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I enjoyed having the opportunity to create an ePortfolio, especially since I still find I am constantly learning ways of connecting with others online. The portfolio was quite easy to create, but it can be time consuming for someone like me who has an established resume that I am simply used to updating. I may possibly add my performance specific resume to the portfolio at a later time. For me, the only challenging part of creating this was keeping a balance of professionalism while inserting bits of my personality onto the page. I understand the importance of maintaining a professional persona, but I also use my personality as an advantage to stand out among the online resume world. I am confident in my online professional presence, although it is still in development. I look forward to adding projects and sample works to my portfolio in order to have a showcase available to those who desire or need to have it available.

I can honestly say I wish I had developed this portfolio when applying for my last workplace that I had to leave in order to graduate school in the timeline being a military wife has given me. My manager at Navy Federal Credit Union quickly became the inspiration to the type of leader I hope to model. A female leader to look up to can strengthen a resolve in what can be accomplished, and that there can be a balance in compassion and a firm hand. My manager demonstrated that her team member’s needs were important to her by allowing mothers to leave when necessary, allowing employees to use their leave as needed or requested, and consistently inquiring how to better the workplace. Accomplishments were overall presented as a product of team efforts, and two-way communication could be expected and respected. She was honest in what elements I could improve on and add within my performance, as well as give recognition when it was deserved. I had never had a boss who was as considerate of me as a person as she was of me as an employee.

My manager was organized and precise when it came to what was occurring at the workplace. Every event was prepped and ready for all that was to occur during the event. She would often recognize her employees during these events. Unfortunately, this was not true for an event I attended at my husband's workplace during the holiday season. There was a celebration dinner that took place when a few employees were to be receiving promotions and transferring to other facilities. This is an annual event, and the organization of the event could have been handled more efficiently. There was inconsistency in communication that led to a disordered dinner and a cover-up attempt at giving the employees their due honors. I would have suggested a more detailed food plan and follow-up system in order to make sure of what was being brought in and if there were any repeats. I also would have suggested to the appropriate person the day before that there needed to be communication within upper management. This would ensure that all of the certificates and reasons of recognition were understood and prepared for so that the presentations would go smoothly.

I hope to be efficient in the improvement of my portfolio, so the only advice I would like to seek is on how to make it entertaining in a professional manner. I would like to continue to add elements of who I am, and I am at the conclusion, for the moment, that this blog may be an excellent way of adding my voice to this portfolio.

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